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A level-up for the Magazines!

Autorenbild: TeddyTeddy

The world of Teddy's Head Games is full of surprises and twists. The latest news is proof of this: our Teddy's Head Magazine n°2 has been updated with many new pages!

We asked ourselves what we could do to make this Magazine cooler, so we got to work and updated all the content to prepare it for the upcoming second anniversary of Teddy's Head Games.

The main news of this level-up is the addition of four pages dedicated to one of our most beloved projects, Tenebris Vinum. Does the name remind you of something? That's right, Tenebris Liber, our Gamebook is part of a dynamic collaboration with Mazzucato International to unite it with the world of wine.

All you have to do is run to download (or read online) the new Magazine and enjoy the comics and articles you will find inside.

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